Legal literacy cell is working in the college under the direction of Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA). With a view to make the students legally literate, Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA) in collaboration with Higher Education Department of Haryana started Legal literacy cells at college level. The core purpose of this cell is to create legal awareness among young minds and to identify the problems of their fellow citizens in the neighbourhood. This cell has been live, energetic throughout the year by its activities under the guidelines of Office of The Chief Judicial Magistrate cum Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Ambala.
Motto: “From ignorance to legal empowerment”
Objectives of Legal Literacy Cell:
- to bring legal awareness
- to educate girls about their rights,
- To aware about social welfare legislation.
- To spread knowledge about self-resilience.
Annual Report (2019-2020)
Leagl literacy cell is working in the college under the direction of Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA). With a view to make the students legally literate, Haryana State Legal Service Authority (HSLSA) in collaboration with Higher Education Department of Haryana started Legal literacy cells at college level. The core purpose of this cell is to create legal awareness among young minds and to identify the problems of their fellow citizens in the neighbourhood. This cell has been live, energetic throughout the year by its activities under the guidelines of Office of The Chief Judicial Magistrate cum Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Ambala.
The legal literacy cell of the college organizes various competitions with the objective to bring legal awareness among the people and to educate them about their rights, benefit and privileges guaranteed by social welfare legislation.